• +91 9971485485
  • vikaseinfra@gmail.com

Benefits & advantages of SSC.

  • Improved quality of concrete and reduction of onsite repairs.
  • Faster construction times.
  • Lower overall costs.
  • Facilitation of introduction of automation into concrete construction.
  • Improvement of health and safety is also achieved through elimination of handling of vibrators.
  • Substantial reduction of environmental noise loading on and around a site.
  • Possibilities for utilization of “dusts”, which are currently waste products and which are costly to dispose of.
  • Better surface finishes.
  • Easier placing.
  • Thinner concrete sections.
  • Greater Freedom in Design.
  • Improved durability, and reliability of concrete structures
  • Ease of placement results in cost savings through reduced equipment and labor requirement.
  • SCC makes the level of durability and reliability of the structure independent from the existing on – site conditions relate to the quality of labor, casting and compacting systems available.
  • The high resistance to external segregation and the mixture self – compacting ability allow the elimination of macro – defects, air bubbles, and honey combs responsible for penalizing mechanical performance and structure durability